Peanut Butter Chickpea Curry

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving all! Normally we troop down to Montreal to spend Thanksgiving weekend with the rest of my family (and extended family), but this year we’re scattered all over the place this year due to work/travel and all the other stuff that tends to get in the way of grand gatherings. If we had…

Sweet Madras Soup

I don’t know where you guys are, but I’m in Ottawa, and it’s been freaking freezing here over the past couple of days. The solution? You guessed it, soup! I took the opportunity to explore my growing my sneaky-bean streak (otherwise known as subtly adding beans to recipes for increased nutrition, texture  and protein, without…

Mom’s Curried Veggie Soup

As the temperature starts to drop outside, the temperature in our food has to creep up to compensate. My mom threw this soup together one cold day; it was so smooth and warming that it quickly found its way into her tried-and-true favourites… And now it’s made its way into mine! Gather up the following…

Tasty Thai Stew

I threw this together one wintery evening after having bought a jar of yellow curry paste, and I absolutely love it! It’s velvety, flavourful and by no means restricted to winter. I think The Roots’ Phrenology album is just what the doctor ordered to get you through this hip, jivin’ recipe. Oh, this recipe’s good…